Check out the January Maverick Monthly here!

Reminder: Monday, February 3rd (2/3) is a School Holiday.

School Closure 1/23/2025 and 1/24/2025
Dear EISD Families
EISD will cancel classes on Thursday (1/23/25) and Friday (1/24/25) due to an increasing number of student and staff illnesses. Custodial and maintenance staff will conduct thorough cleanings of our buildings as well as school buses. This will not affect extracurricular activities that are already scheduled. We hope this opportunity to disinfect our facilities will help curb the number of illnesses that are affecting the greater school community. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we appreciate your understanding as we focus on providing a safe and healthy environment for students to return to on Monday.
Thank you,
Jeremy Williams – Superintendent
Eastland ISD

Please take a moment to review this newsletter regarding Federal Report Cards: https://secure.smore.com/n/jm1xr

Reminder: All EISD campuses will be closed Thursday (1/9) and Friday (1/10) for the Eastland County Stock Show. Classes will resume on Monday (1/13).

Just in time for the Thanksgiving Break, we bring you the November Maverick Monthly!
Click the link here to view this month's edition of the Eastland ISD Community Newsletter! https://secure.smore.com/n/j5bfr
Thank you for your time! Enjoy Thanksgiving Break, and we will see you back at school on December 2nd!
Go Mavs!

Due to water damage at the Connellee Building, the Superintendent's Office is temporarily closed. If you need to reach Eastland ISD Administration, please contact Eastland High School's Office and your message will be relayed. Thank you for your understanding.

Please click the following link to read this important statement from the Eastland Police Department:

Please click the following link to read this important statement from EISD Superintendent Jeremy Williams:

EISD Parents, Please take a moment to review the attached attendance newsletter.

Eastland ISD Parents,
On the afternoon of Friday 9-13-24 Eastland ISD and the Eastland Police Department received an anonymous tip from a social media site listing several Texas schools as possible threat targets with one of ours at EISD being one of them. As of right now there is no credible information to back up any threat. However, EISD and the EPD did not want to take any chances this afternoon with the safety of our students. That is why many of you saw the added police presence across the district. The Eastland Police Department is continuing to investigate the possible threat and where it originated from. Many schools across the state have received very similar reports of possible threats over the past several days. Please know that the safety of all our students is at the forefront of the decisions being made jointly between the Eastland Police Department and the administration of Eastland ISD.
Thank you,
Jeremy Williams - Superintendent Eastland ISD
Tim Pitts - Chief Eastland Police Department

As Fall approaches, it's time for the September Maverick Monthly!
Click the link here to view this month's edition of the Eastland ISD Community Newsletter! https://secure.smore.com/n/cfdn2
This month, we recap the School Board Meeting, showcase our Students and Staff of the Month, and bring you snapshots of things happening across EISD's campuses!
Thank you for your time! Go Mavs!

Extra Eastland "The Maverick" 2023-2024 yearbooks are available while supplies last at campus offices for $65.
All 3 campuses included!

EISD Parents,
Please take a moment to review the attached invitation to our Annual Title I, Part A Campus meetings.

The first day of school is tomorrow (8/14)! Please take a look at this map and the following directions to ensure traffic flows smoothly for everyone!
2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade parents: Please follow the yellow pick-up route on the West side of the building by traveling south on Madera St. and turning right on Hill St.
PreK, K, & 1st grade parents: Please follow the red pick-up route on the East side of the building starting from Sadosa.
Students in 2nd-5th THAT HAVE A SIBLING in PreK, Kinder, or 1st grade will go with them to the East side of the building to be picked up.
If a student is going to be a walker or walk to the old nursing home/tree, then parents need to send a signed note to the teacher stating that their student will be a walker.
Please have your student pick-up name card visible for the staff calling names. Starting Monday, August 21st, if you forget your student pick-up tag or have misplaced it, parents will need to park in the front and go to the front office to get another tag. I.D. proof will need to be presented to get another student pick-up card for safety reasons.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation!

Happy Friday!
We hope everyone is having a great start to their summer!
The Maverick Monthly for June can be found here: https://secure.smore.com/n/rj2b8
Thank you, and have a wonderful day!
Ryan Jones
Communications Specialist
Eastland ISD

Starting June 14, families can log in to the district’s parent portal to gain insights into their child’s 2024 3-8 STAAR results. Discover how your child tackled test questions and get personalized resources to support learning at home. Don’t miss out—Log In & Learn More! Go the following links for instructions:

The May edition of the Maverick Monthly is here! https://secure.smore.com/n/57xd1

The May School Board Meeting has been rescheduled to Monday, May 20th.

5/8: Siebert's Walk, Bike, Roll to School Day is May 8! Check out this newsletter for more information on this event: https://www.smore.com/n/sk5d9